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Across the world, people do things differently. Whether at work or at home, stress builds!


Understanding is the key to progress. We create value for businesses, and happiness in a home.

Cultural Awareness Courses

Did you know that the average foreign manager in China is said to work at only 40% or their potential?

In the workplace, cultural differences can cause major problems on a daily basis. 

You may need intensive training or long-term; you may be looking to get ahead in negotiations or hoping to manage your team to in the best way that you can.

Either way, with a wealth of experience and countless friends and testimonies, we can help.

Our past clients include Fujian Benz, Emerson, Framas and we have instructed on the Fujian Normal University MBA Course.

Get in touch to discuss your needs, and we will send you a proposal, free of charge,

Expat Relocation Courses

For the past 10 years, Joylink staff have been acting as intermediaries between Chinese locals and expatriate residents. We have enjoyed great successes, and made many friends. 

We have seen and dealt with a decade of problems that can arise, and provide excellent and enjoyable training to help understand and enjoy a brand new world.

Training sessions in a variety of settings and on a number of topics can be provided, to help you make the most of the city you find yourself in.

We further offer our trainees a free 12-month telephone support service, for any of life's tricky situations!

Get in touch to discuss your needs, and find out what we can do for you.

Cultural Awareness for Chinese Staff

With so many years' experience of training Chinese staff, we know exactly how to train your team in the most effective and efficient way. 

For several years now, we have been training groups and individuals from international companies in western business culture and etiquette.

​These may be staff or managers - they may need help in interacting with and understanding their western counterparts or simply need to be able to write more efficient business emails.

Whether groups or individuals, and whatever the situation, we have been there and we can help.

Get in touch to discuss your needs, and we will send you a proposal, free of charge,

Our past clients include Fujian Benz, Emerson, Framas and we have instructed on the Fujian Normal University MBA Course.

Team Building

Joylink's "Team Buiding with a Twist". Especially for the intercultural workplace!

We understand that the most important thing you can get from a team building day is the understanding of how your colleagues think - how to approach them, talk to them, what you can rely on them for.

In the intercultural workplace, the need for understanding is greater than ever. We use the greatest resource we have - the environment we are in - to deliver enjoyable and practical opportunities to gain greater understanding of new people and surroundings.

Get in touch to discuss your needs, and how we can help to maximise your team's potential,

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